by helsy infotech    2 years ago

Introduction To UX & UI Design

User experience (UX) design is commonly defined as the process to design experiences and interactions with a digital or physical product that is useful, easy, and enjoyable.

User interface design (UI) is generally defined as the visual appearance of a product and the functionality of the interaction.

In this activity, students user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design, will be presented with the role of designers and design process.

To reinforce the principles and UI / UX design, students will be provided will be evaluated at the design and analysis of current production.

What Is User Experience (UX) Design?

User experience (UX) design is the process of creating products that provide users with a meaningful and relevant experiences.

These include the branding, design, usability and function, and the overall process design aspects of the product integrated.

User Experience Design Process

The answer to this question, along with many questions, is: project, client, budget deadline, and your experience level: It depends. The details of the UX process will depend on the number of factors you have.

What Is User Interface (UI) Design?

User interface design is the discipline in designing a software interface for devices and ideally focuses on maximum efficiency, responsiveness and aesthetics to enhance a good user experience.

User interface (UI) designs focus on appearance or style centered by the process computerised software or interface devices. Designers will make it easy and enjoyable to use target users. UI design generally refers to graphical user interfaces.

UI design is typically employed for products or services that require interaction for the user to get what they need from the experience. The interface should allow a user to perform any required tasks to complete the function of the product or service.

What’s The Difference Between UI And UX?

  • UI stands for User Interface.
  • UX stands for User eXperience.
  • The UI focuses on how the product's surface looks and functions.
  • UX focuses on the user journey to solve the problem.
  • UI is that you can see in front of you - the interface that you use to interact with an object (product/application/car).
  • UX, as a result of a conversation with anything you got to describe the whole experience.
  • To focus more on the tangible elements to the UI designer.
  • UX designer in the design process is concerned with the conceptual aspects.
  • The UI is a bridge that gets us where we want to go, and the UX is the feeling we get.